Kathleen Lowson

CEO/Chief Vision Officer, Lowson International Studios

Film Director, Writer, Producer, Photographer

A New York native, Kathleen’s career has spanned over two decades from NYC to Los Angeles. She is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Lowson International Studios and the Director of the critically-acclaimed Documentary Film Series, CRY OF THE INNOCENT: The Voices That Can’t Speak, screened around the globe, including groundbreaking TV news coverage in China, breaking through the iron curtain of media control in Asia and exposing its cruel trade practices to the international community.

Her studio’s innovative blueprint and vision expands the idea of conscious films based on spiritual values as the pathway to social evolution and the awakening of consciousness. She is a spiritual scholar and intuit, utilizing the principles of divine law as the foundation in her work.

Kathleen’s advocacy for animal rights and welfare has spanned over two decades with the core belief that abuse and exploitation of the nonhuman species is a ‘soul’ issue perpetuated by an egocentric society in a state of ‘spiritual disconnect‘ perpetuated by greed.  The mission of her media work is to engender a paradigm of respect for all living beings on our planet and evolve the soul of humanity.

At the heart of her mission for a more compassionate and just world, Kathleen has been in the social justice movement for over 2 decades as a lifetime advocate for animal rights, filmmaker, activist, photographer and creative professional with a mission to engender a paradigm of spiritual evolution on our planet.  She has devoted her life and career to social justice (for humans and nonhumans alike) and has forged strategic alliances around the world in support of her humanitarian mission.

Kathleen is a recurring Speaker at the Animal Rights National Conference and a contributing Writer to Voices for Biodiversity spreading the message for social evolution and the awakening of consciousness. Her alliances extend from the Hollywood community to ecological conservationists and animal rights/animal welfare organizations around the globe.

“The Revolution of Soul in Social Justice”

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